Concert works


Bloom (2024) 6'30''

for solo accordion

A Short Lament for Trees (2023) 4'

for solo cello

Untitled (2018) 3'

for solo piano

Tuba Riff (2017) 3'30''

for tuba and piano


A Circular World (2024) 13'

for speaker/presenter, bassoon, percussion, violin, cello

Five-Minute Forests (2022) 10'

for flute(+alto flute), clarinet (+bass clarinet), harp, string quartet

Five Miniatures (2022) 12'

for flute(+piccolo), clarinet (+bass clarinet), percussion, piano, violin, viola, cello

Five Choreographer Portraits (2020) 12'

for string quartet

Large ensemble/orchestra

Fanfare for the Exhausted (2023) 3'30''

for wind orchestra

My Soul is the Thick Forest (2023) 6'

for string ensemble

Async (2022) 10'

for large orchestra

Minuuttisinfonia III: Kohta (2017) 2'

for large orchestra


Hymnus (2021) 4'

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